Double Digits!

Annika Ruth here again, reporting on the most exciting news I can think of. Well folks, I have gone and done it. I have made it big! I am 10 weeks old. Double digits!

 Speaking of looks like there are two of me. For the record I don't have a twin. That is my reflection in the mirror. When I was 9 weeks old I didn't even know what a mirror was. Also I didn't like tummy time, but now look at me go.

In other news for a "stay at home" Mom my Mom and I don't stay home much. I am so mature I allowed my Mom to swim 12,500 yards this week. Blah, blah, blah, I know that Michael Phelps swim that in a morning. Well, I hate to tell you but my Mamma....she ain't no Dara Torres. Plus there was a lot of stroke work and kicking which takes forever, so that's pretty good. Enough already, this blog isn't really about her anymore. It's about me! All her yards she owes to my good behavior and to Coach Sickie's entertaining me. After swim the party really starts. We often go do something with the fun focused on me.

This week we had two big outings to the library. Thursday we went to Baby Sign Language story hour and sing along . I know 9.5 weeks old was a little young for a story hour but my Mom needs to start learning this stuff. She has a lot to learn. I know this because when she sings children's songs to me she often repeats the first verse over and over. Why not the second or the third verse? Because she doesn't know it. Do you know she doesn't even know the "Hello Song". Every children's group begins with the "Hello Song"! Whoa, we got work to do. So anyway, sing language was ok. The Pt. Loma library is really cool for toddlers and kids. The whole downstairs is a children's library complete with a pirate ship. The ship has lots of nooks and crannies to curl up with a book. For now I prefer to curl up in my Moby wrap or sling next to my Mommy but someday...
on a rainy day I might give it a try.
Friday was my favorite activity day ever. We went to the library in La Jolla for mom and baby yoga. It's all about the babies ...sorry Mom's but you don't really need fancy yoga attire or even your yoga mat to attend. we learned songs that my Mom has already forgotten and stretches and exercises to go with our songs. Once again, we sang the "Hello Song". You may think I am young going to yoga at 10 weeks old but it's for babies 4 weeks and up. I really nailed the final pose shavasana.


Next First Thanksgiving

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