Winter, Not in The Midwest

When you have a Michigan address people from the East Coast or the West Coast always comment that they are from or have family from the Midwest and say they "know what it is like". I don't know what goes on in Ohio, Indiana, or Illinois but I'd be willing to bet there are not a lot of 200 mile sled dog races.  Officially, I call my region, the Superior Land and officially I met the mascot for the U.P. 200.

What's that you ask? Oh, just me hanging out with a celebrity sled dog friend. What? Your YMCA does not sell post swim sled dog hats? Shame really. Fashionable and functional. So how does one view a sled dog race in style and comfort?
Voila! As shown above. Paci necessary? It was late, it was -5. That's fahrenheit friends. Celcius?...It's for the weak really, stating it is zero when it is not even cold yet. Similar to ones stated weight sounding oh so much better in kg than pounds right? Ask anybody who weighs 100kg they'll totally agree.  In addition to paci, Snoopy, and of course your sled, dress as usual for indoor. Layer with fully insulated and fleeced lined snowsuit, top with JJ cole bundle me bunting. Yes, the one advertised not requiring a jacket underneath. Too bad that claim wasn't a money back guarantee.  Purchase it while you are still living in Santa Monica from the Giggle store on Montana Ave. Mention it is for a weekend in Aspen and let the staff speculate which celebrity your Mom is nannying for. If you tell them your buying it for your upcoming moving to the Upper Pennisula they won't understand why you would need a bunting like this in Cincinnati, Cincinnati is in the midwest and it must all be similar right.

I digress, back to the races. When the race starts you better be ready. Those dogs are fast, excited and they go by in a blur. In fact so fast the photo was just a blur.

It sure is something. I can't really imagine setting forth on a 200 mile journey at 8:00 p.m. in my minivan much less on a sled pulled by a team of dogs. They must be very brave and have a lot of hot cocoa. That reminds me, I forgot to tell you I am also wearing my mittens. I am holding on to my Snoopy dog, wearing my mittens. I insist on wearing my mittens whenever out. "I need to wear my mittens or my hands will get freezy".Wow that was an exciting event. Thanks to my Dad for keeping me warm. Warm and Snuggly.

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