Pitter Patter Productions Presents....

 So Valentine's may have come an gone, but not gone or forgotten are some fabulous pink rain boots, matching aprons and
 And... And.... And... most importantly left over marshmallows. Turns out homemade marshmallows are good for 3 weeks and great for hot chocci. Yes, I did, wear my Valentine's apron to story hour.
Ahhh. Hot chocci, it warms the heart.

Anyway not that the holiday is over I've had a little time to focus on some projects. We all know that the real reason to be in LA is to make it into show business. I decided to skip the casting calls and commercials and go straight into starring in and producing my own films. The name of my film company will be Pitter Patter Productions. You heard it here first and you can say I knew her when all she had was a blog ok so now I have the use of a blog and I movie but whose counting.

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