Poineer Days 10K Race Report

 Summer isn't all about hang in out on the rocks
 or playing at the beach
 or even all about berry picking or eating
 Or even about summer reading...although if asked to recommend a good book....
It would be "Lyle Lyle Crocodile" all the way.
 It's also about community and parades and racing...as fast as you can.
Mamma promised she'd take me racing ...I train non stop.
Jersey pockets are great to fill with parade candy...Which reminds me ...I think my Mom threw it away!

When race morning rolled around I was ready. I had everything I needed. My number, my Georgie, and my jersey. It was a hilly course so I wore the polka dot jersey, I paired it with polka dot pants for good measure. 
 I thought a dum dum sucker had just the right amount of sugar to fuel me to a good 10K.
 I chose "Frog and Toad " by Arthur Lobel to blast from my red Jambox speaker. My Mom also gave me a cow bell to ring to cheer all the racers.

 Turns out we make a pretty fast team.... 44:45 for 10 k (so maybe the course was a hair short)

 A medal worthy performance still
 Muffins and girl power ....Says it all!

 Maybe if my Mom didn't run with a 33 puns kid, 23 lbs stroller and 3 lbs of gear she could have finished faster....but this photo says exactly this: In this moment there is no place I would rather be!

Independence Day

 Ah ... the 4th of July. Does it mark the beginning of the summer or is it a warning that summer is going to go buy quickly.
 In honor of Independence Day my Mom took her big girl bike (6 inches of suspension) for a solo ride on the trails less traveled. Just because you leave home alone does not me you are alone in the forest.
I'm pretty sure my Mom had to slip these guys a fiver to pass without an ordeal. Alway keep the gnomes of the forest on your side.
Hi -Ho, Hi-Ho, it's around the pond we go.....By way of rocks and granite, roots and trees.
And so now you see why six inches of suspension are involved...what did we do in the time before seat droppers and disc brakes?

Yes... the midwest is flat. We are in Superior Land!

Around here it is eat or be eaten

A picture is worth 1000 words. A selfie costs 100 bug bites.
Don't worry Mamma made it out of the woods in time for a 4th of July gathering, to which I wore my 4th of July dress for the 3rd straight year....Can I make a go at #4?It started a maxi dress next year  it might be a mini dress. I'm so en vogue.
 Even rain can't cramp my style. People ask how what I think of the weather Mother Nature brings about?
I can't complain because she gives me plenty of opportunities to accessorize. Recently I read you should look in the mirror and take one thing off. In this peninsula I'd advise looking at the thermometer and putting three things on.

 You are probably wondering if my Mom brought home any of those blueberries for me to eat?

 The answer would be no...but you know this generation and their need for snacks

 So the next day we hiked back and picked all the ripe berries we could find.
 Ker plink, ker plink, ker plunk...the sound of the blueberries going into the bucket
 My life reads...

Just like the book "Blueberries For Sal" by Robert Mckloskey. Read it if you can.